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Video Archive

28 March Palm Sunday Service

View and listen to our first live-streamed service from St. Andrew's Church!  Luke 19 v 29-40.


21 March Family Focus

Tom focuses on Luke 18 v 18 and the parable of the rich man. How hard it was for him to let go of his wealth and trust Jesus with everything! Please see the activity in the resources section.

14 March Family Focus

Tom explains his 'Worship Burger': what the writer of Hebrews 13 means by worshipping God by loving one another. Please see the activity sheet in Family Resources.

21 March Service

Andy Bowden leads and Paul Nixon preaches on Luke 18 v 15-30: Nothing is impossible with God. Susanna reports on the latest news from Open Doors, with a video and prayers.


14 March Service

Andy Bowden unpacks Hebrews 13: the Expectation is familial love for one another, Expressed by practical hospitality, care, obedience and faithfulness, which Jesus will Equip us for.

7 March All Age Service

Andy Bowden takes us through Hebrews 12, telling us to throw off all that hinders our run with God and fix our eyes on Jesus. With family videos and songs - and the activities on the Craft pages.

28 February Service

Andy Farmer leads and Paul Nixon shows us in Hebrews 10, how Jesus is the superior sacrifice, once and for all.


28 February Family Focus

Tom shows how Jesus' sacrfice is enough and superior than those in the Old Testament, which were like shadows pointing to him.

Please see the activity sheet in the Resources section.

21 February Sermon

Hebrews 8 & 9. Andy Farmer asks: do we place our trust in a relationship with Jesus as High Priest of the New Covenant?


21 February Family Focus

Tom shows how God has made a new 'arrangement' with his people, which is better in 3 ways.

Please see the activity sheet in the Resources section.


14 Family Focus

Tom explains how Jesus is superior to all the priests in the Old Testament, and more successful...

Please see the activity sheet in the Resources section.


14 February Service

Andy Bowden takes us through Hebrews 7, explaining how Jesus completes our relationship with God...



7 February All Age Service

Andy Bowden discusses Hebrew 6: how God has made wonderful promises, and we can trust Him to keep them.

Please see the activity sheet in the Resources section.

31 January 2021

Peter Harlow goes through Hebrews 4 Ch.1-1, explaining the dangers of unbelief and how we should encourage one another daily..

24 January 2021

Andy Farmer takes us through Hebrews Chapter 2, explaining why Jesus needed to be fully human.

Family Focus 17 January

Tom discusses the awesomeness of Jesus, as revealed in Hebrews 1 v 1-3, with a timed quiz, a song and some questions for all, plus a colouring page on our Resources section.

Family Focus 31 January

Tom discusses the warnings in Hebrews Ch.3 v 12-19: do not turn away from God, encourage one another daily and learn from the past. With a quiz, song and a craft accessed on our Resources section.


Family Focus 24 January

Tom talks about the 'Fully Human, and fully God' nature of Jesus, and asks why does it matter? With a quiz, song and a craft accessed on our Resources section.

17 January 2021

Beginning our series on Hebrews, Andy Bowden unpacks the how God spoke first through the Prophets, then through his Son Jesus, who is His final word, and our only means of salvation.

10 January 2021

Andy Bowden leads our first service back in lockdown, focussing on Luke 3 v1-22: John the Baptist clears up the mistaken identity confusion and outlines the unique ministry of the Messiah.

Family Focus 10 January

Tom, Lizzie and Darcey make fun use of graphics, visuals, songs and a quiz to describe the meaning of Luke Ch 3 vs 15-21… See the colouring pages on our Resources section.

3 January 2021

Andy Farmer reflects on Luke 2, where Jesus as a boy of 12 discusses Scripture with the Temple elders, helping them to know God better. How can we delve into the Bible to know God better?

27th December – Presentation of Christ in the Temple

Peter Harlow takes us through Luke 2: 22-40, explaining the recognition of Jesus by the elders in the Temple, and our recognition of him today.

Christmas Day

Andy Bowden’s Christmas message, with carols, prayers and animated short films, tells the story of the Good News for ALL who trust in Him, as Mary and Joseph did. Happy Christmas!

24 December

Christingle service, with games and how to assemble your Christingle, plus some carols, prayers and Andy explaining the meaning of all the elements of the Christingle – enjoy!

20 December

The 2.30 pm Carol Service at St. Andrew’s Church, led by Rev. Andy Bowden, with the message ‘do not be afraid, God is with us – a Saviour has been born to us’. God and sinners are reconciled. Halleluya!

13 December

Andy Farmer leads us through Luke 2: 8 – 20, focusing on the ‘familiar’ words of verse 14: ‘Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests’, pondering our response.

6 December – 2nd of Advent

Rachel Perry takes us through Matthew 2 v.1-6

29 November – Advent Sunday

From 1 Peter 1 vs 8-12, Andy expands on the meaning of Advent, with Ryan Shelton’s quote: ‘Advent reminds us to pan (…) out to the larger scope of God’s purposes for history’.

22 November

Philip Tuckett discusses chapter 16, asking us to read 17 and 18: it is all about God’s provision for his people, and how he continues to bless them then and us now, even when we grumble…

15 November

Peter Harlow takes us through Exodus, Ch 13-15, showing the echoes of God’s plan throughout the Bible, right up to today: with the encouragement: Don’t be afraid, stand firm, see the deliverance of the Lord, and be still.

8 November – Remembrance Sunday

Andy Bowden leads us through this powerful Remembrance Sunday service, with the reading from Isaiah 4.2.

11 November

The last post sounded and 2 minutes silence from St. Andrew’s Tower.

1 November

The full All Age Church Service: Part 7 of our series on Exodus – the Passover. Andy Bowden shows us how our God is a God who judges, but who saves, through his plan of salvation.

25 October Full church service

Paul Nixon leads, and Andy Farmer preaches on the theme of darkness, as one of the plagues sent to Egypt prior to the release of God’s people.

25 October

In Part 6 of our Exodus series, Andy Farmer discusses the 10 plagues of Egypt, concentrating on the plague of darkness ‘that you can feel’, and the light that God offers us through Jesus.

18 October

The full Church Service recording of Part 5 of our series on Exodus.

18 October

Roy leads us through Exodus ch. 6 v.1-12, and explains how God hears, remembers His promises, and acts to help us.

11 October – Stewardship Sunday

Andy Farmer and Andy Bowden lead us In this special service, with the key message from 2 Corinthians 9. 1-15: ‘whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully’. This is beautifully unwrapped by Andy Bowden.

11 October Announcement

Rev. Andy Bowden explains the significance of Stewardship Sunday and the principle of Christian giving. 

4 October Harvest Church service

Led by Rev. Andy Bowden, reminding us of our local farmers’ hard work, and the bounty God provides us each year.

4 October

Andy Bowden leads our All Age Harvest service, based on Deuteronomy 8.7-18, calling on us to remember all that God has given us, and all that God has done for us.

1 October

Bishop Robert Atwell reflects on Harvest 2020

27 September

Exodus Part 4, recorded at the Vicarage. Andy explains how self-centered excuses finally give way to selfless obedience.

20 September

Whole Church service, with Peter Harlow taking us through Part 3 of our series on Exodus: A Call in the Wild, describing the changes Moses went through to accept God’s calling.

20 September

A call in the Wild – Peter Harlow takes us through Exodus Part 3, and how Moses changes…

13 September

Whole church service, where Andy Farmer opens up the second part of our series on Exodus: God’s power being expressed in human weakness.

13 September

Andy Farmer explores Exodus 1:15 to 2:22, and shows how God’s grace really is His strength in our weakness, if we will accept it.

6 September

Whole church service, where Andy Bowden introduces the book of Exodus, showing us that our God saves!

6 September

Andy Bowden gives us a rather different introduction to the book of Exodus…

28th March

Rev. Andy Bowden talks about our fears and how we can deal with them.

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